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Where have I been? / I’m So Excited!…. You’re Invited! ❤️🌍🔥

Kingdom Blessings Everyone,

It's been a long time since I've written anything on this blog and I have to apologize to those who has been blessed by my blogs & waiting on another one to come out . Life got busy for me and I couldn't keep up with all that was on my plate.

Honestly I tried to keep up with what others was doing and tried to implement new things for this ministry when it wasn't the season to do so. How many of us did things out of flesh and it wasn't God's timing at all! I'll be the first to raise my hand! ... lol

Since the last time I wrote, I became a published author "Faith That Broke the Rules" sold on my website and Amazon. Also I'm in school schedule to graduate real soon, preaching assignments has increased and my babies are no longer babies anymore dealing with teenagers now whose very active with band, chorus, film and acting! They even convinced me to do a YT channel so I Vlog also lol (the many hats I wear are endless)

On top of that I'm still the wife to my amazing husband (going on 18 years) and I have been elevated to the office of the Apostle which makes my responsibilities in ministry much greater helping build ministries & leaders across the globe. I am so grateful to God for all He is doing through me and what He continues to do! With that said one of the reasons why I came back to this space was because NOW is the time!... This week I celebrate 8 yrs in ministry! I can hardly believe it! God is doing NEW THINGS and blogging again is one of them. Once a month I will put out a new blog to empower & encourage you so hold fast it will be a ride!

So I hope you all understand why I've been M.I.A Please keep me in much prayer Thank you for supporting this ministry throughout the years ❤️

I invite you to come to our 8th ministry celebration this coming Friday March 24th 7pm EST via Zoom you must RSVP online to get a seat in the room. Here is the link. Hope to see you there!

Apostle Simmone Ashley


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