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Purpose To Do More!

Jeremiah 32:19

19 You are great in counsel and mighty in work, for your eyes are open to all the ways of the sons of men, to give everyone according to his ways and according to the fruit of his doings.

Today is my birthday and as I reflect a year ago I asked the questions What have I accomplished? Did I make my goals? some answers were yes and others was no. I immediately began to pray and ask God to change those no’s into a yes in 2020! To finish what I didn’t complete. I realize right there God‘s purpose for me is to do more!

You may be in the same place like me desiring to do more. God requires for you to do more! To write that book, To launch your business or ministry, To live out your dreams etc It’s not enough to just get by anymore. it’s time you go the extra mile, work toward your goals and complete it. The Bible says in Jeremiah 29:11 that God knows the plans for each of us and that plan is to prosper us and have a great hope & future. If God knows this already about us that means he wants us to do more! So get up purpose in your heart today that you will start putting in the extra time and work to accomplish your goals! Begin to change those No’s into Yes!

Prayer: Father as we’ve entered into a new decade and year help us to remain focus on the task at hand. God we know no assignment is complete without obedience & work. Our desire & purpose in 2020 is to do more in life, ministry, & business. Whatever you put in our hands Lord we will make every effort to honor it in Jesus name. Amen

It is So & So it is


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Yanisha Virgo
Yanisha Virgo
Jan 10, 2020

In Jesus name!


Awwww sis ❤️❤️❤️


R Walton
R Walton
Jan 04, 2020

Thank U for being the reasonable voice in my life. 🙏

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